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Blue Denim Quilt Rose Emb Jacket (3mths-7yrs)
£22 - £26
Black Regular Length Shower Resistant Faux Fur Lined Hooded Padded Coat (3-16yrs)
£37 - £47
Yellow 100% Cotton Sleeveless Collar Summer Dress (3mths-7yrs)
£11 - £13
Blue Cotton Rich Scalloped Collar Gingham School Dress (3-14yrs)
£9 - £14
Toffee Pink Shower Resistant Faux Fur Trim Padded Coat (3-16yrs)
£36 - £46
Black Waterproof Hooded Padded Coat (3-16yrs)
£44 - £54
Khaki Unicorn Shower Resistant Faux Fur Lined Hooded Padded Coat (3mths-7yrs)
£23 - £27
Khaki Green Regular Length Shower Resistant Faux Fur Lined Hooded Padded Coat (3-16yrs)
Blue Gingham Rich Belted School Dress With Scrunchie (3-14yrs)
£9 - £12
Pink Waterproof Hooded Padded Coat (3-16yrs)
Mid Blue Gingham Rich Belted School Dress With Scrunchie (3-14yrs)
Green Gingham Rich Belted School Dress With Scrunchie (3-14yrs)